Thank you!!

Thank you for all the wonderful memories photographing your families. I will miss you all. It was a great 11 years! Time for me to do something different. Keep in touch.

What to wear for your fall portraits | Moorestown Family Photography

I have been getting the question recently “What should be wear for our family portraits?” As we all know, it is the time for your family portraits so we can order your Holiday cards. My suggestions are outfits that coordinate with each other but they all don’t have to necessarily match. Pick a color theme throughout and throw in some coordinating colors as accents. For example,  a fun scarf or hat. Another good idea is to have a really cool color for your daugthers dress and work all the other accents around that color. Here are some examples to help you get started. Feel free to call for some help or to run ideas by me. We want you looking your best.

What to wear fall outfits

Fall outfits 2011

What to wear 2011

Fall 2011 outfitsFall what to wear 2011Another cool idea is a new social media outlet called Pinterest. It can be addicting. You pin onto your board things you like in categories. I have a board on there called Clients-What to wear. It shows alot of different outfits for What to wear. Take a look. I’m not sure if you need an invitation to see or not. If so email me  at and I’ll send you an invitation.  Here is the link:
