Thank you!!

Thank you for all the wonderful memories photographing your families. I will miss you all. It was a great 11 years! Time for me to do something different. Keep in touch.

What to wear for Family Portraits | South Jersey Family Photographer

It’s that time again of the year to start thinking about what to wear for your family portraits. The kids are back in school. Fall should be here soon!!(Although right now there’s a heat index of 100 degrees). Starbucks has already started serving everything pumpkin!! Fall is right around the corner. I personally can’t wait. It is my favorite season of the year.

What to wear for your family portraits? Easy question isn’t it? Not really! This is the biggest question I get asked by my clients for their fall sessions.

The easiest thing is to start with a color palette. You can google Color palette and come up with many ideas. My favorite is Design Seeds. I tell my clients to start with a neutral color….wither Black, Grey, Khaki or even Blue (like jeans for example). Then build the colors in around those and add pops of color if you wish to compliment the palette. If there are girls and boys in a family it can get tricky. Layering is also a great way to bring in some color. Jackets, scarfs, earrings and necklaces look great in a family portrait.

Here are some examples of different color palettes and how they look once photographed.


Blues as the base with some beige, grey and even a little pop of red in the portrait.

family portrait color palette

The pops of red in the children’s clothing compliments nicely with the neutral palette of the parents outfits.

family portrait color palette

Very autumnal color palette with browns and greens with the blue jeans grounding it all.

family portrait color palette


Some other ideas for you is to go to my Pinterest page and see all of the different ideas I have pinned for you all. There are some ideas for outfits there as well.

I am happy to consult on clothing for all my clients, so if you’ve been putting off your family portraits because its “too stressful”  worry no more. I can personally come to your house and help you look through your closets if that helps.

Ready to schedule a session? CONTACT ME and I’d love to chat with you about a session this fall.






