Thank you!!

Thank you for all the wonderful memories photographing your families. I will miss you all. It was a great 11 years! Time for me to do something different. Keep in touch.

What have been up to the past month?-Moorestown Children Photographer

July has been a busy month around here with personal things. Christopher had a baseball tournament in Myrtle Beach. Katie has been practicing for her play Oliver and also going to gymnastics practice too. I have been participating in a Photo Scavenger Hunt from the photography forum called Clickinmoms. I have been having alot of fun with it. I have found over 300 things on the list. I have one more day to find as many things as I can. If you have seen me running around with a camera and sign in my hand, now you know why. I still need some weird things– anyone have a Golden Bear Golf ball or a Gold Krugerrand coin? I also need someone with a misspelled tattoo. Send them my way. Here’s a picture of the sign I have been using.


